martes, 31 de enero de 2012

European Landmarks

The European landmark group is a special group of student who will be travelling to Germany this year.  We have already had the pleasure of having the German exchange students come to visit us and experience some wonderful activities in the area around our High School and Bilbao.

We visited the Museo de la Paz in Gernika,

The Arbol de Gernika, and Mundaka.

Another excursion was to our local phenomena "El Puente Colgante"

They saw County Council in Bilbao and the surrounding areas including Casco Viejo.

As part of this program the students are investigating the different cultures in Europe and different customs and holidays that they may have or celebrate.  Some are different and others are the same in other countries.

Bachillerato - Films

Another one of our many projects for our students in Bachillerato was a film review.

 Students had to choose a film and write a review.  Then they were expected to create a powerpoint presentation and use the internet to connect their written reviews, the powerpoint presentations and any other information from the internet with links.

1º ESO - English In The World

Part of the educative plan for our students here at Julio Caro Baroja is the Trilingual Project.  In this project our students have the opportunity to learn Spanish, Basque and English and also learn where and how they are part of the modern world.

The first step was taken by the teachers.  They explored different information through presentations, class discussions, and visual aids.  We even had the oportunity to have our Auxiliar de Inglés presenting his first hand knowlege about the United States to our students.


From the examples presented by our staff we then had the students take notes and begin understading how to organize these presentations and how they are constructed.


Then in 1º ESO we started with investigations into the different places in the world where English is spoken.  Groups later had to present a poster and information about one country following the guidlines and examples given by the teachers and staff.


South Africa



viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Auxiliares de Inglés Program

This year at Julio Caro Baroja we have an American asistant to help in our Conversation and Culture aspects of our Enlgish Program.

His name is Lucas Rincon.  He is from Los Angeles, California.  In California he was studying film and has now put his studies on hold to be with us here in our Institute.  As he is a Los Angeles native and has studied the arts of film and has experience in that area, he has been able to fit right in with Juan Carlos Martinez and our Drama in English Project.

Lucas Rincon - Auxiliar de Inglés

Lucas has been able to share his experiences with our students and organize drama warm up activities as well as creating small dialogues and other fun excercises.

Bachillerato - English In The World

Part of the educative plan for our student here at Julio Caro Baroja is Communication in English.  In this project our students have the opportunity to learn how to express themselves and communicate ideas in English and also learn where and how the language is used in our modern word.

In Bachillerato we have created different projects in both Microsoft Word and Power Point Presentations about different countries around the globe where English is the official spoken language.

Included in the projects are:

The Unites States of America
South Africa
New Zealand
Great Britain

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Drama in 1º ESO

Here at Julio Caro Baroja we are pushing the envelope. We want to bring the learning experience to our students in as many forums as possible. One of our current paths is through the expressive form of DRAMA.

This would not be possible without an incredible staff of teaching, and especially our head of the Drama in English Project: Juan Carlos Martínez.

Funny School Times Show

Here we have one of the plays that our students in 1º ESO prepared and performed this year.