lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Trilingualism Project: Drama Workshop

IES Julio Caro Baroja is a reference public high school always involved in new projects. Their last one is called: Trilingualism Project. To do so, an enthusiastic staff and team of teachers are working hard by  using experience, new methodologies and the new technologies. Besides the normal classes supported by Eskola 2.0 Project, all the languages of the project  -Spanish, Basque and English- respond to a special treatment to improve their learning. The English Department thought that Drama could be a good way of helping our students of 1º ESO to break some barriers that very often restrain students from speaking a second language.
In the following power point we show the way we work in the teaching periods. Most of the pictures were taken by the students during the Drama classes.
Drama Workshop in IES J.C.Baroja
View more PowerPoint from J. Carlos Martínez

Thew following information was given as one of the lectures of the new school projects at Getxolinguae 12 Conference in May.

Drama Workshop students evaluate their experience.

The students of ESO 1 who have taken part in Drama Workshop give their opinions at the end of the school year.

viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Student Exchange to Scituate (Boston)

As everybody knows, every two years IES Julio Caro Baroja students fly to Scituate (Boston) on the Student Exchange.
Our next Exchange will start on September 1st and kids will enjoy their American experience for a fortnight. They will be living with American families, attend to some high school classes, visit some emblematic places (New York, Boston, Harvard, Plymouth, Salem...) and improve both English and their way of facing life.

In the picture we can see most of the participants just getting things ready  to "cross the Athlantic".

Portfolio Presentations

At the end of the school year, our students of ESO-1 have prepared the project 'My Portfolio', in which they have shown what they have learnt since September.
They have written a document in Google docs and prepared a Power Point Presentation. Using the PPT, they have given an oral presentation about themselves.

The presentations have been really good. They have proved that they can talk about themselves and things in their normal lives quite fluently and they can also use the new technologies.

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Betting our bottom euro on Drama Workshop & Trilingualism

Our Trilingualism Project is on. Sudents of Drama Workshop of 1º ESO have done it great. It's been a special school year for them in many aspects. As their 'drama anthem' says 'when learning is a pleasure, school, teachers and students are great'.  Shortly, a variety of videos will appear in our blog. To begin with, here is their presentation on their first day last September.

martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Funny School Times-2 at IES Mungia

Yes, they are waiting at the bus stop, not for the bus but for the coach that will take them to perform Funny School Times - 2 at IES Mungia.

  Once there, they were warmly welcome by teachers and students of ESO-1 belonging to the Trilingual Project. Our Drama actors are gaining experience in the art of performing and little by little become the king of the stage.

They convinced their audience, who gave them a clap on the back. After the performance they met new friends and swapped stories and... their 'Tuenti'.

Multilateral Encounters: Metz

IES Julio Baroja has achieved a long tradition in Student Exchanges, European Multilateral Encounters and Comenius Projects. You can watch the following Power Point  where students from Garbsen (Germany), Normandy (France) & Getxo (The Basque Country) swapped ideas and experiences on 'Modern Times'  last year.

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Julio Caro Baroja High School at Getxolinguae 12

Julio Caro Baroja High School English teachers explained the way they work with COIN and Drama Workshop at Getxolinguae 12 Conference.  They were introduced by Ms Loli Iglesias, from the Berritzegune of Getxo.

viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Reading Project ESO-1

To motivate Reading habits in our students, in the second term we worked in different ways.
First, some of our students were the public in the performance of Romeo & Juliet given by students in Bachillerato -1.

After that, they learnt a summary of Romeo & Juliet and recorded it on video.

We took all the students to the theatre in Bilbao to watch a play in English -"Be Cool" and we read the book "The Borrowers". They prepared beautiful mini-books with the reviews of this book and of another book they chose and liked.

Finally, at the end of term, in March, we recorded them giving an oral presentation about "The book I like"

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Drama Workshop Class rehearse their last new song

In the pictures we can see our Drama students rehearsing in the open air , totally involved in their last song:

Don't they look great?

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Glogster on European Landmarks

This is the glogster we designed so that our students had a guideline to prepare their presentations.Later on, they gave their presentations about our National Festivities in the meetings that were held both in Getxo (November 2011) and Garbsen - Germany (March 2012). If you clik on the title in the Glogster, European Landmarks, you will see the Timeline our students created for the festivities in the current year 2012.

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

European Projects: Bacchanalia

"Bacchanalia" is an example of one of our most representative "National and European Landmarks". Students, divided into groups of four, prepared the different ways of celebrating Carnivals in our country. They first prepared a word text with the information collected from the net about the birth and development of Carnivals in Europe and afterwards they made a Power Point to present it before a multilateral audience (German and Hungarian students)

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

European projects: National and European Landmarks 2

In April 2012, our students (IES Julio Caro Baroja) visited Garbsen (Germany). They went on with the project they had started in our high school in November.