Last Saturday, May 31st, our students of
1º and 2º ESO MET took part in the presentation of all the projects carried out throughout the year.
Students of 1º ESO started by presenting the Project "English in the World", worked in the English lessons but especially worked in English Workshop classes. A project which was the contribution in English to the first MET project " Languages and Speakers", carried out in our three languages.
Then, they explained how they made their project about
biographies of famous comedians or people related to humour.
"Humour" was the topic for our second MET project in the three languages. They showed us their PPTs about
Martin Lawrence and
Juan Tamariz.
Finally the students of
Drama Workshop performed one of the sketches and songs of their musical "Funny School Times-2"
After these lines, you can watch
some videos of the students presenting their projects during the
MET First Meeting. Some more videos can be watched through the
links in this post.
During the next period, students of
2º ESO also presented their MET projects, which they had prepared in the subjects they learn in English.
English language, Citizenship, English Workshop and T-COM.
So, different teams presented different projects from different points of views.
One of the teams talked about the
tales they wrote as part of their
first project. Another team explained the different
steps they had taken to develop their
second project, which was performed alive by three other students. In this second project, they worked about how
Celebrities and
NGOs help in case of
Natural Disasters, the common topic in the three languages.
The group that takes part in T-COM showed their posters about
"Biomes" and the problems the Earth is facing nowadays.
. . .and finally, as the last part of the project, they showed the materials created about
NGOs and celebrities' cooperation. To conclude, the pupils who study religion in euskara also showed their work on NGOs.
MET responsible teacher said "
bye-bye" to the audience at the end of the meeting.