After receiving the diplomas from the Basque Government representatives, the students and the tutor thanked for the prize with the following words:
HITZALDIA (by Iratxe Cea)
Kultura ondareak antolatu duen lehiaketaren esperientzia bikaina izan
dela uste dut. Hasiera batean, gure tutoreak proiektu hau planteatu zigun, eta
nahiko ezohikoa iruditu zitzaidan, eta kuriositateak jota, parte hartu nuen.
Baina, benetan, denbora pasa ahala, gure kulturak izan ditzakeen berezitasunak
itzelezkoak direla ohartu nintzen, eta horrek euskaldun izatearen nire harrotasuna
gehiago piztu du.
Lehiaketa honetan
itsasontzi zaharren berreraikuntzari buruz hitz egin izan nahi dugu. Gure
herrian, Getxon, arrantzan eta bestelako ekintzetan tradizio handia zegoen ,
baina, urteak pasa ahala, ohitura batzuk galdu egin dira, eta lehen hain
ezaguna zen tradizioa dezente galdu da. Orduan, gure helburu nagusia inguruan
daukagun jendeari, behintzat, aintzinean
zeuden lanak ezagutzeko grina piztea izan
da, eta antza denez, lortu dugu. Beraz, bidai hau ohore
bat da guretzat, eta ahalik eta gehien disfrutatzen saiatuko gara!
¡Buenos días!
Mi nombre es
Estera Mardarie y pertenezco al grupo ganador del instituto JCB dirigido por
Carlos M. Creo que hablo en nombre de todos mis compañeros/as al decir
que estoy tremendamente agradecida a Kultura Ondarea por la oportunidad que nos
ha brindado.
verdad que trabajamos con mucha ilusión y dedicación para llevar a cabo este
proyecto, con el que finalmente nos encariñamos; y aunque, como todos los aquí
presentes, teníamos la esperanza de ganar, el resultado nos sorprendió
muchísimo. .
Al iniciar
esta "investigación" nuestra principal meta era ganar pero al
adentrarnos más nuestro interés empezó a crecer.
Por otra
parte, me gustaría destacar la dedicación y pasión con la que los miembros de
IEH (asociación que nos ha sido de gran ayuda para nuestro proyecto y en quien
hemos basado el mismo) trabajan para mantener viva esta tradición de
restauración de barcos antiguos, que personalmente la considero más bien un
gran admiración y respeto hacia estas personas que dedican su tiempo y energía
para que esta parte del patrimonio cultural vasco, pequeña pero aún así
importante, no se pierda. Por eso mismo queríamos concienciar a las
personas sobre la importancia que se le debiera dar a la transmisión de valores
J. Carlos Martínez
Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a pleasure and an honour
to be here, especially as we have something in common to celebrate.
When we were invited to take part in Kultura Ondarea Saria, it took less than 24 hours to decide. Six wonderful
students from different courses immediately offered to carry out the project
making the decision easy.
Julio Caro Baroja High School has traditionally enhanced modern languages (yesterday we celebrated our Forth
Multilingual Encounters) and worked on CLIL projects. However, our Kultura
Ondarea Saria Project has been the most ambitious and challenging student
project at school for two reasons :-
1. Time required
2. The overall size of the project
So, our first step was to ensure
we had good and easy communication by using mobile phones, whatsapps and the
internet in order to share our efforts and progress. We adopted a positive “Can do”
Kultura Ondarea Saria has given us three things:
Firstly, An insight into a brand
new world - the world of rebuilding old traditional Basque boats. Once we found
the topic, we were very lucky to meet Iñaki, Alfredo and Jesús from Itxas
Egurra Haizean, an association that rebuilds old Basque boats in the
traditional way. They showed us their small boatyards, shared their knowledge
of boats and even took us for a small boat ride.
Secondly, Kultura Ondarea Saria has provided us with
the chance to develop team work, different from the norm, by observing and
sharing new skills and experiences in the real world.
Finally, last but not least, this
contest has taught us how to face new and difficult challenges impossible to
carry out in the classroom.
When we saw on Facebook that
everyday more and more participants were entering the competition, we realized
just how difficult it would be to impress the panel of judges, let alone win a
prize. Therefore, we focused on the task, to at least achieve the satisfaction
of knowing we had done our best.
When it was announced that “Surfing
our Traditional Basque boat Rebuilding” had won one of the prizes,
we were so happy, full of pride, and our satisfaction
To finish, I’d like to
give our deepest thanks to the Basque Department of Education and Culture for
promoting this type of contest, motivating students and teachers to work
together creating projects on Basque Heritage making us more aware of our rich
and sometimes unknown traditions.
Thank you very much.