viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Improving Reading and English Literature

Students of 3-ESO have finished their first project on Reading. 
The book chosen was The Phantom of the Opera, a classical book by Jennifer Bassett.

They have both listened and read the book, made some written activities and finally they have prepared a project on the book. Most of them have made a flyer where besides the image presentation with pictures and drawings they had to write about the characters, the plot, some quotations and the author. Only a few prefered presenting the project by means of a PPT or a Glogster.

In the picture we can see one of the classes showing the flyers.

Later, they had to present their project orally before their classmates and finally they watched part of the well-known film.

Just on top and below this line you can see the presentations made by Víctor, Christian and Ibon.

Finally, the students in T-Com 3º1 had the opportunity to enjoy all the film. They loved this musical and learned a little bit about rhymes.  They wrote a review mentioning the similarities and differences between the book they had read and the film and they didn't forget to give their opinion.

In these links you have two examples of their work. Review  Presentation

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