martes, 31 de enero de 2012

1º ESO - English In The World

Part of the educative plan for our students here at Julio Caro Baroja is the Trilingual Project.  In this project our students have the opportunity to learn Spanish, Basque and English and also learn where and how they are part of the modern world.

The first step was taken by the teachers.  They explored different information through presentations, class discussions, and visual aids.  We even had the oportunity to have our Auxiliar de Inglés presenting his first hand knowlege about the United States to our students.


From the examples presented by our staff we then had the students take notes and begin understading how to organize these presentations and how they are constructed.


Then in 1º ESO we started with investigations into the different places in the world where English is spoken.  Groups later had to present a poster and information about one country following the guidlines and examples given by the teachers and staff.


South Africa



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