lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

COIN, a Reference Oral Communication Course


COIN -Comunicación oral en lengua inglesa- is a reference oral communication course at Julio Caro Baroja High School.

In order to achieve the aims we work on a content-based projects in CLIL context, five are the projects we have developed along the present school year: Film Review, Drama Project, Extreme Sports, English Speaking Countries and Food Recipes. 
If you want to see some of the projects made by our students, like Power Point Presentations, Glogsters... go to this website.

As usual, our students have prepared different paper and virtual documents and presented them in the form of Power Point, Timeline, Glogster, Movies... sometimes indiviadually, sometimes in pairs, group work...

Besides, according to the topic, they have also presented them as an Exhibition (countries) or with real food recipes tasted in class.

The course has been highly successful and students have given it top marks.

To conclude, all that task has been formally presented in Getxolinguae and received a warm welcome by Primary and Secondary Teachers attending the Conference

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