miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Last Rehearsal

Comenius Project students have had their last workingday, after classes, to get tasks ready. It's been their last Wednesday. In five days, on November 12th,  17 German students and two German teachers are arriving to take part in this European Student Exchange which will be completed in Garbsen with students of four-five European countries in March.

Every group has prepared their task  according to their topic: 
National Identity .

Finally, all of them have made a rehearsal to check that everything works OK.

 As they have to present it before an important audience, they have been advised about how to stand up, how to move around, sign the dashboard, look people in the eye, speak calmly and aloud, etc. etc.

Everybody feels ready and excited to have a great time with new great life experiences.
 New adventures are always welcome.

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