miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

To Karmele Huarte

To  Karmele Huarte
English Teacher at Julio Caro Baroja High School.
A woman who loved her job.
On her retiring day from her friends and colleagues

Dearest Karmele,
We have shared a lot of moments together. We have worked with enthusiasm and   illusion, together. We have dreamt about doing things better, together, and we have tried it. We have enjoyed life with our pupils and suffered from and for them, also together. And, together, we have learnt how to live life and be a bit wiser.
And in such a short time, we have done something special:
“Leave a part of ourselves to the others, so that, when you are away, you won’t go alone and can feel us by your side”
We will never forget you.
        The English Department

Karmele, sorrounded by her students (2º Bach) 
May 21st, 2013

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