martes, 21 de abril de 2015

Day 8: Gernika, Santimamiñe, Mundaka, Bermeo

Kate MacCune y Mondo Kalpin. 

Today we started off at the virtual caves in Santimamiña. Here we were given a 3D tour of the caves because the public is unable to enter due to pollution destroying the paintings of the cave. Next we went to the Museum of Peace to learn about the German bombing of Gernika. We entered a simulation, pretending to be in a civilian house at the time of the bombing. Here we learned about reconciliation rather than vengeance
Next we went to Casa de Juntas, to learn about the Bizkaia government and the symbolism of the oak tree. At the Casa de Juntas (Assembly Hall) we saw the assembly room and the new oak tree planted to symbolized the strength and unity of the Biskaia government

We went to Mundaka to have lunch at the beach. We walked along the beach and sea wall to look at the waves and cliffs behind it. 
Lastly we went to Bermeo to walk around the port and enter the little shops. Here we felt at home in the little sea side town with the small nautical venders. 
We had a great day and great weather to spend a trip along the coast of Spain. 

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